
I'm Kaan.

I'm a Frontend Developer with a strong passion for building web-sites and web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

My Certificates

Here are some of my projects

  • Next.js 14 | Netflix Clone

    Next.js 14, React, Supabase, Next-Auth, Prisma, Tailwind.css

    In my latest project, a Netflix clone using Next.js 14, I drew inspiration from an enlightening YouTube tutorial. The application boasts built-in authentication supporting traditional logins and GitHub authentication. A standout feature is the trailer view, allowing users to get a sneak peek of movies and series before watching. I crafted an internal data structure for films and series, bypassing external APIs. Technologically, I employed React, TypeScript, Supabase for the database, Next-Auth for secure authentication, Prisma for database queries, and Tailwind.css for design flair. This project not only showcases my knack for leveraging YouTube resources for innovative solutions but also highlights my expertise across a diverse technology stack.

    The Github icon will take you to the repository.
    The Link icon will take you to the Website, which is hosted via Github.

    AnimeHub V2 -- Bootcamp Project

    JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, CSS, Jikan API

    AnimeHub V2 is created with React and Bootstrap.
    A small page to search for ur Favorite Animes.
    API used: Jikan v4

    The Github icon will take you to the repository.
    The Link icon will take you to the Website, which is hosted via Vercel.

    AnimeHub -- Bootcamp Project

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jikan API

    AnimeHub The OG. API used: Jikan v4

    The Github icon will take you to the repository.
    The Link icon will take you to the Website, which is hosted via Vercel.

    Library - Bootcamp Project

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    Here I created an e-commerce website for an online library as part of the bootcamp. For this project, I mainly wrote HTML and CSS. A little Javascript is for the hamburger menu.

    The Github icon will take you to the repository.
    The Link icon will take you to the Website, which is hosted via Github.

    T-react Clone - Bootcamp Project

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    That was the Week 2 Final Challenge. Through this challenge I learned to work better with the inspect element and to use it, e.g. to change the CSS properties. As I progressed, I started to write reusable code. To make it more accessible for others.

    The Github icon will take you to the repository.
    The Link icon will take you to the Website, which is hosted via Github.